Friday, December 23, 2005

The Christmas Bird Count went well. It was a very chilly day, but it was well worth it. The woods were so quiet in some places.

There was a wonderful moment when 600-700 Canada Geese flew overhead.
These are just a few of them.

Two kestrels were the highlight of the day (for me, anyway) although I have no photos of them. It was so much fun, I hope to go again next year.


Helen said...

Do you count the birds again on Christmas?

Helen said...

Were the Geese flying south?

Kisa said...

Hi Helen!
Actually, we didn't have to recount on Christmas Day this year. I think some counts are more strict and they do have to go out only on Christmas morning. From what I understood, it fell early this year for our group.
Unfortunately, I don't really know if the geese were flying south at the time. Don't yours like to go west? (Hey isn't that a band? :) )