Just the other day, I was in the store and saw that the gardening displays are starting to go up again. It made me think of our garden last year and I can't wait to start planning out what I am going to plant this year. The photo above was taken while the flower garden was in full swing last year.
Today, we took an unexpected trip to Asbury Park. I did not have my camera with me, but we did pass by the Convention Center and saw the outside of the famous Stone Pony. It would have been nice to get some photos of the details on some of the older Victorian homes by the beach or of some of the architectural details on the Convention Center. The Convention Center was designed according to their website by Warren and Wetmore (who designed Grand Central Station). Here are the links to the two pages with more information about the Convention Center and the Stone Pony.
I also took a few tests just for fun, would love to see Happily Ever Helen's results from these :D
What were YOU in your past life? (pictures, detailed results,everyone can take it)
You were a prince/princess in your past life, and lived in a great castle with the most beautiful of gardens in all the land.Prince:You protected your people and loved your lover with your heart. You were to be king after your father died, which is what happened, and you died a happy,honourable death.Princess: You loved your kingdom, and your people loved you for you treated everyone equally.Everything was perfect. Your favorite place to be in were the castle gardens,for the were beutiful and full of life. You died as a queen married to your lover.
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What language are you?
You are Portuguese. Your words are abrupt but meaningful. People tend to listen to you because you sound like you know what you're saying. Your written words are even more flowing and gentle but remember to think before speaking.
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Who do people see you as and who are you really ( 4 girls, Anime Pics!)
You are removed from people. They don't understand you and think you are weird. Really though you are a magical and mysterious person. You love fantasy, with it's dragons and elves. Your favorite books are The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, by J. R. R. Tolkien. You beleive in magic, at least the kind that makes people laugh. You are beautiful, and anyone you meet will love you instantly for your sense of mystery. If they are the right person and you are open with them they will understand you completely, but if you don't and they are not then they will become one of the legions who condemed you to be "strange" and "weird" Inside though, you are the person that many people want to be.
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