Here's a lone gull and a small statue that looked interesting. For something so small and seemingly commonplace, the statue seemed really expressive.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saw an unusual new fish at the fish market today. It's called a stargazer (because it looks up). This fish may or may not be the exact species, but looks very similar.
Also among the daily catch today were Striped Bass, winter flounder, fluke (summer flounder), whiting, squid, porgies and some nice bluefish.
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Went to the Folk Festival today, here are some pictures of dancers in traditional costume.
Here's some detail on the costumes.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Pierogis for dinner.
Went fishing and caught skate.
Took some pictures at the fish pond this weekend.
Happy Friday! Hope to have more pictures soon. Check out Happily Ever Helen's lovely watercolors! :)
Friday, February 24, 2006
Working on this scarf, it is on the third ball of Noro Kureyon yarn.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Just the other day, I was in the store and saw that the gardening displays are starting to go up again. It made me think of our garden last year and I can't wait to start planning out what I am going to plant this year. The photo above was taken while the flower garden was in full swing last year.
Today, we took an unexpected trip to Asbury Park. I did not have my camera with me, but we did pass by the Convention Center and saw the outside of the famous Stone Pony. It would have been nice to get some photos of the details on some of the older Victorian homes by the beach or of some of the architectural details on the Convention Center. The Convention Center was designed according to their website by Warren and Wetmore (who designed Grand Central Station). Here are the links to the two pages with more information about the Convention Center and the Stone Pony.
I also took a few tests just for fun, would love to see Happily Ever Helen's results from these :D
What were YOU in your past life? (pictures, detailed results,everyone can take it)
You were a prince/princess in your past life, and lived in a great castle with the most beautiful of gardens in all the land.Prince:You protected your people and loved your lover with your heart. You were to be king after your father died, which is what happened, and you died a happy,honourable death.Princess: You loved your kingdom, and your people loved you for you treated everyone equally.Everything was perfect. Your favorite place to be in were the castle gardens,for the were beutiful and full of life. You died as a queen married to your lover. Take this quiz!
You are Portuguese. Your words are abrupt but meaningful. People tend to listen to you because you sound like you know what you're saying. Your written words are even more flowing and gentle but remember to think before speaking. Take this quiz!
Who do people see you as and who are you really ( 4 girls, Anime Pics!)
You are removed from people. They don't understand you and think you are weird. Really though you are a magical and mysterious person. You love fantasy, with it's dragons and elves. Your favorite books are The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, by J. R. R. Tolkien. You beleive in magic, at least the kind that makes people laugh. You are beautiful, and anyone you meet will love you instantly for your sense of mystery. If they are the right person and you are open with them they will understand you completely, but if you don't and they are not then they will become one of the legions who condemed you to be "strange" and "weird" Inside though, you are the person that many people want to be. Take this quiz!
Sometimes when you travel, you find a food that you don't find at home. Then, unless you visit the place fairly often you find that you think back on that rare treat that was only available in some far-flung corner of the world. I have been happily surprised when they started importing more foods into the different sections of our local food market. I have been lucky to find more "exotic" vegetables making their way into their produce section. Things that used to be hard to get are now so much easier to find such as green papaya, plaintains, merloton, or yucca. They also stock more seasonings like Vegeta (for Polish dishes) or even Grace brand spices for Jamaican food. Today, I was so happy to find the chocolate bar that is in the photo above. The last time I sampled this wonderful chocolate was at least 2, maybe 3 years ago. It is now apparently readily available in our supermarket. I guess it's the small things that do it for me. Take care, and I hope that you find many happy surprises in the most unexpected places just like I did today.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Happy New Year! Here's some new photos,: sushi dinner,
- and a few knitting swatches.
Older photo from last year when the Nippers were in Moorestown Mall:
A Christmas Story.... This Christmas appeared to be the Christmas of the Hat. I received three hats for Christmas, one of which is below.
This particular hat was a gift to me from Happily Ever Helen. I thought I could wear it and still enjoy anonymity. I was proved wrong by the outbursts and bemused looks I received when I wore it. I was told by another friend of mine - "If you wear that hat - you ARE asking for attention." I was actually stopped in the hallway by a curious someone who was temporarily without their glasses while I was wearing this hat. Apparently to someone without glasses - it looks like .....something?.....horns?...BalRog?...oh Good it's just a cat....
It's doing a good job keeping my head warm, or could it be those piercing stares?
(I'm only teasing my good friend, Thank you Helen, I will treasure it forever :D )
A song to leave you with These are the first three lyrics from the Canadian Boat Song. I enjoy the language in the lyrics and put it here just because I felt a little homesick today.
I Listen to me, as when ye heard our father Sing long ago, the song of other shores; Listen to me, and then in chorus gather All your deep voices, as ye pull your oars.
Chorus: Fair these broad meads, these hoary woods are grand, But we are exiles from our father's land.
II From the lone shieling of the misty island Mountains divide us, and the waste of seas; Yet still the blood is strong, the heart is Highland, And we, in dreams, behold the Hebrides.